You Could Benefit from an Automatic Door in Your Home

Automatic Patio Doors Solve Problems

Automatic doors are an amazing feature that will work in any house. They’re perfect for taking that first step toward turning your home into a smart home, letting your pets out, or simply to make life a little easier for someone with mobility issues. They can be used for automating patio doors, pocket doors, and even pantry doors.

Here is a list of who can benefit from automatic doors in the home:

Senior Citizens

As we age, our strength naturally wanes whether we like it or not. The ease of using an automatic door then becomes beneficial because they don’t require hands-on manipulation. If you are older, you will love not having to struggle with door knobs or trying to move a heavy door to get to where you want to go. New smart home devices, such as the Autoslide, make it possible for us to live longer independently in our homes.


If you are a parent, you will want automatic doors everywhere in your house. You will never again have to call out to a child to close a door behind them. You will save money in heating and cooling costs because of this and think of how many fewer flies and mosquitoes will find their way into your home.

Children and Safety

There are enough dangers in the world to worry about and your pool should not be one of them. With an automatic door that automatically locks, you can prevent young children from opening the sliding patio door to the pool. This is a major concern for families in states such as Arizona and Florida. If you have a pool, you will want to install the Autoslide iLock Door System to help prevent accidental drownings.

Your Pets

If you have a dog or cat that goes in and out of the house on a regular basis, you will be happy to know that the Autoslide smart door system has a built-in automatic pet door function. With three pet door activation options to choose from, your pets can go out as needed and you can continue about what you are doing. Combining RFID technology and the iLock functionality, the Autoslide Smart Pet Door is the most secure pet door available today.


If you entertain quite often, you will enjoy being able to carry trays of food and drinks out to your guests without struggling to open a door or waiting for someone to see you and open it for you. 

Autoslide Automatic Sliding Doors

Imagine how different your life would be if you had an automatic patio door in your home. New smart home products like the Autoslide are solving problems that have existed with no answers until now. Whether you are looking for something new and cool or a way to improve the quality of your life, an automatic door in your home is good choice to make.


Charlotte Fleet

I love how you said that automatic doors help to save you money on heating and cooling costs. My husband and I need to choose the type of door we want for the back of our house. We will have to invest in an automatic door.

Latoya Anderson

It’s perfect to know that automatic door is beneficial to senior people because it doesn’t require hands-on manipulation since as we age, our strength naturally wanes. My grandparents are planning to move to my house by next month. I want to make sure that they will find comfort while living in my house. Since both of them have mobility problems, it will surely be a big help if I can install automatic doors in my house. I will make sure to consider all your tips.

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